Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Part 2

See Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Part 1 for information on what a prolapse is and some of the causing factors. What can be done about it? !!Prevention!!: As the support of the muscles underneath the pelvic organs decreases, the strain on the ligaments holding them increases and they eventually stretch beyond the point of no return. Ensuring good body alignment and m aintaining pelvic health and function of the muscles is key at any stage of life, but essential during your pregnancy and leading up to delivery. Restoring optimal function of the core abdominal muscles and learning how to properly relax the pelvic floor muscles for bowel movements can help to decrease the overall pushing and strain required. Preparing your body for pregnancy to increase the space in the pelvic outlet (obstetrical conjugate) and yield of the pelvic floor muscles can help to decrease the amount of force required to get the baby out ( read less Valsava-ing ), as well as prevent perineal tea...