Yoga and Pelvic Health
Erin, Leah and myself working hard at the clinic This week I went to a yoga class for the first time in a long while. It was awesome! And very challenging. In Grade 9 or 10 at school, I was getting disheartened by being one of the slower swimmers in my training squad. I told my Dad I didn't want to go anymore because I was the slowest and he said 'Well how are you going to get any better if you don't go'. I figured this made pretty good sense, so I kept at it, set some PBs, and his words have stuck with me ever since. So for those who say they 'just aren't flexible' and 'never have been', how are you going to get any more flexible if you never do anything about it. Yoga isn't about being better than any one else in the class. It is simply a guided practice that you do for yourself. Pelvic floor dysfunction is often related to the lack of pelvic movement in our daily repertoire of positions (sitting in chairs, standing, walking a...