Constipation: More than just a pain in the butt!

If you've never experienced difficulty with bowel movements before, then good for you and keep doing what you're doing! However, if you are like many of us who have had experienced constipation then you know it can be quite uncomfortable and more than a little annoying. Constipation can also become hazardous to the pelvic organs and muscles when we begin to strain and hold our breath in an effort to get the stool out. This puts an enormous amount of pressure on the pelvic structures and over time, this repetitive straining can lead to prolapse of the pelvic organs, weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and also hypertonicity (tightness) of the muscles. Constipation is medically defined as less than 3 bowel movements per week and is usually due to one of two reasons; either the stool itself is very solid and difficult to pass, or there is a problem with the emptying process. Solid stools can be due to a number of things: Dehydration - as your food is digested and m...