Too short, too long or just right?

I realise that I've been going on and on about shortened pelvic floor muscles, but what are they really? Muscles have a very specific length that allows them to function optimally according to a length-tension (strength) relationship. Length-Tension Relationship* This demonstrates that a muscle that is too short or too long has a decreased ability to contract compared to when it is within it's ideal range. A tight muscle is not necessarily a strong muscle, instead it is unable to function and respond appropriately to required demands because it is never able to contract through its full range. Shortened pelvic floor muscles can manifest in many different ways: Stress urinary incontinence - leaking with cough/sneezing, laughing, running and jumping Pelvic pain - tailbone , pubic bone, SIJ or lower back pain Pain with sex Decreased sensation or difficulty achieving orgasm with sex Constipation Higher risk of perineal tearing with a vagina...