Healthy Feet, Healthy Pelvic Floor

Historically, pelvic floor treatment has focused solely on the pelvic floor muscles. We now know that in order to have an optimally functioning pelvic floor, we have to look at the bigger picture - the entire body starting from the feet up. The feet are particularly important because whatever happens at ground level determines the forces and load affecting the body all the way up to your neck. Many women that I have seen for pelvic floor dysfunction also have a foot problem of some kind, the most common being bunions. The two conditions, although not physically close, have some similar contributing factors and continue to feed into one another due to tension patterns running from the feet, the back of the legs and up to the pelvis. The biomechanics that contribute to foot issues, also contribute to changes in positioning and muscle action at the pelvis. Bunions Bones respond to load or pressure . The more pressure applied to a particular part of...