Helpful Resources

Here is a list of books and blogs that I have found helpful to my learning. Most are easy to read and have lots of great information. 

The V Book: A Doctor's Guide to Vulvovaginal Health
Elizabeth G. Stewart and Paula Spencer
- every woman and teenage girl should read this book!

Heal Pelvic Pain: The Proven Stretching, Strengthening and Nutrition Program for Relieving Pain, Incontinence, IBS and Other Symptoms Without Surgery
Amy Stein

When Sex Hurts: A Woman's Guide to Banishing Sexual Pain
Andrew Goldstein and Caroline Pukall

High Oxalate Foods pdf
Dr. Helen O'Connor, MS, RD

Aligned and Well Blog
Katy Bowman
- how to optimise the function of your musculoskeletal system (and your pelvic floor), great tips for men and women alike. Here is my review of her book "Alignment Matters"

and in particular for New Mums!
BaoBag Blog
Written by two inspiring Aussie Mums, great information for a healthier home and family.  The BaoBag is also a free gift of natural and organic samples available to new mothers across Australia. 

For anatomical diagrams, see Pelvic Anatomy!

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