Intro to Pelvic Health!

A lot of people and patients ask me how and why I got into Pelvic Health Physiotherapy. I can appreciate that it is not the first choice for a lot of new grads, particularly as it involves treating very personal and private areas of the body and isn’t quite as glamorous as being a physio for elite athletes. 

My introduction to Women's and Pelvic Health was during my first clinical placement within a Brisbane maternity hospital where every woman who gives birth has the opportunity to consult with a specifically trained physiotherapist. I particularly enjoyed getting to see and hold lots of newborn babies, educating the new mothers and getting to be (a small) part of such a momentous event in people's lives. Since moving to Canada I have had the opportunity to learn from some amazing, experienced mentors and further my interest. I think it is an incredibly important area of health and physiotherapy services that can empower women by teaching them and helping them take control of their bodies, preventing and curing potential embarrassment, inconvenience, pain and dysfunction due to disorders of the pelvic floor.  

In my future posts, I will provide a checklist of things to look out for that may indicate problems with the muscles of the pelvic floor, various pelvic floor conditions, when to see a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist and most importantly, how to prevent complications of the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles. 

My favourite part of treatments and interactions with my patients is the "I never knew that before!" moment. I absolutely believe that the more you know about your body, the healthier and happier you can be. 

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