How can Pelvic Health Physio benefit your Pregnancy?

The female body is pretty amazing to be able to carry a baby for nine months, deliver a child through a usually very narrow space and then return back to its previous state. This is what the muscles and tissues are specifically designed to do. Having said that, pregnancy and childbirth is often one of the most physically challenging events we can ask of our bodies. It is no wonder then, that the pelvic floor muscles require some specific training and preparation leading up to delivery, as well as rehabilitation post-natally to return to their optimal function. The following diagrams show the muscles of the pelvic floor and also gives you an idea of how much these muscles need to stretch to allow for a baby's head to pass through. Female Pelvic Floor Muscles Pelvic Floor Muscles when baby's head is crowning during a vaginal delivery I see a lot of women pre and post-natal for pelvic floor problems and prevention. Here are some areas that Pelvic Hea...