Vulvar Skin Care

The main point when it comes to vulvar skin care applies to the rest of your body and your life too: Chemical free is best! (For more ways on how to make your life chemical free, check out this awesome blog by the gals at BaoBag!)

Clothing and Laundry
Wear all-white cotton underwear
Remove wet bathing suits and exercise clothing as soon as possible
Avoid scented or harsh laundry detergents and using fabric softener on undergarments

Use soft, white, unscented toilet paper
Avoid getting shampoo on the vulvar area
Do not use bubble bath, feminine hygeine products, perfumed creams or soaps
Wash vulva with cool to lukewarm water only
Do not douche or flush the vagina with water or any other liquids (generally makes things worse rather than better)
Use only unscented menstrual products and 100% cotton if possible. Another alternative is a menstrual cup (eg. Diva cup) which also helps to reduce waste and save the environment.
Prevent constipation and straining

Sexual Intercourse
Use a water-soluble lubricant, the more natural the better (eg. Aloecadabra)
Determine if the contraception you are using irritates the vulva (eg. condoms, creams)
Urinate and rinse the vulva with cool water after intercourse

Everyday Living
If you work involves sitting at a desk, ensure that you regularly stand and move around throughout the day! See this post for How to Make Positive Lifestyle Changes!

If you are currently experiencing vulvodynia or vestibulodynia, here are some additional helpful tips to help manage the symptoms:

  • Wear loose fitting clothing and avoid full length pantyhose
  • Use lukewarm or cool baths to relieve irritation
  • Rinse vulva with water after urinating
  • Urinate before bladder is very full to decrease pressure on vulva (but not too frequently! See Urge Incontinence and OAB)
  • A topical anaesthetic prescribed by your family doctor may help with sexual intercourse
  • Apply ice or a frozen gel pack wrapped in a layer of towel to vulva for relief of burning after intercourse or exercise
  • Avoid activities that put direct pressure on vulva (cycling, horseback riding)
  • Limit intense exercise that creates a lot of friction in the vulvar area - try lower impact activities
  • Avoid hot tubs and highly chlorinated pools
  • Enrol in gentle exercise class for stretching and relaxation exercises (eg. yoga, Tai Chi)
  • See a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist for treatment and further self management techniques.

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