Hello Brisbane!

WOW time flies! It has been a crazy year and I have been rather slack on the blogging front so I thought I'd give a quick update on what I've been up to over the last few months. 

This Pelvic Health Physio has said a farewell (for now) to Canada and a big HELLO AGAIN to Brisbane, Australia!!

My hubby and I taking the CityCat tour of Brisbane

Between May and August, my Canadian work visa ran out, I wrote (and am still writing) a book, I sold most of my worldly possessions, got married (yay!), packed my life into a few suitcases, moved to Australia, popped over to Bali for a honeymoon, and am now settling back into Brisbane life with my new husband.

So if you or anyone you know is in the Brisbane area, feel free to drop me an email info@bodyandbirthphysio.com or pop in and visit to say 'hi' or chat anything Pelvic Health Physio or Restorative Exercise! You can also visit my new website: www.bodyandbirthphysio.com 

Before I sign off, however, I do want to say a HUGE Thanks to everyone who was part of my Physio and RES life in Calgary - all of my colleagues at LifeMark and Lakeview, especially my mentor, Sonja Bray, and Body & Birth partner, Julie Banack (who just had her first baby, woo!!), as well as each and every person that came to be treated by me and participated in my classes. 

You inspire me. Thank you.

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